
difference between ricoh gr1 cameras

-Th GR1V has everything the GR1s, but also has the ability to manually set the ISO. GR1V allows you to manually set ISO, so you can push/pull. The GR1S reads ...

DIfferences between Ricoh GR1, GR1s, GR1v?

2006年1月30日 — What are the differences between the various Ricoh GR1 models (the GR1, GR1s, GR1v)? I'm looking for a black one with the SNAP mode and ...

Ricoh GR film cameras

Ricoh GR1, with case ... The final two models came out in 2001: the GR21, with the wide 21 mm lens, and the GR1v, another incremental improvement on the GR1s.

Ricoh GR1 and GR1s

There was a GR1s model in 1997 with only minor changings: the LCD is back-lit, the lens coating is different and a filter or hood can be attached. Please look ...

Ricoh gr1 gr1s & gr1v differences?

2010年1月28日 — Hello, I'm in the market for a whizbang auto focus point and shoot. The ricoh line seems pretty great but I'm a bit confused at what the.

Ricoh vs Ricoh vs Ricoh

2017年10月2日 — Ricoh GR1v The Ricoh GR1v was the last model after the GR1 and the GR1s (the last model being the GR21 with a 21mm wide lens) before the ...

The Ricoh GR....A buyers guide

2012年4月10日 — Well, they may look the same, but they are not the same. The GR1v was given some subtle but significant improvements over its little brother.


2007年12月13日 — 其實我在入手GR1s之前,也不知道什麼是GR的經典XD不過說到GR...(Ricoh ... 今天就來跟大家簡單的介紹一下吧GR1系列吧! GR1 ... GR1跟GR1s、GR1v的鏡片有點不 ...

輕薄短小大視野Ricoh GR1 系列-GR1s

2018年6月5日 — GR1半按下快門時,再伸鏡頭對到2m。 GR1s與GR1v設定完,即伸出鏡筒焦距鎖定在2m,直接按快門即可拍攝,無須半按快門。


-ThGR1VhaseverythingtheGR1s,butalsohastheabilitytomanuallysettheISO.GR1VallowsyoutomanuallysetISO,soyoucanpush/pull.TheGR1Sreads ...,2006年1月30日—WhatarethedifferencesbetweenthevariousRicohGR1models(theGR1,GR1s,GR1v)?I'mlookingforablackonewiththeSNAPmodeand ...,RicohGR1,withcase...Thefinaltwomodelscameoutin2001:theGR21,withthewide21mmlens,andtheGR1v,anotherincrementalimprovementontheGR1s.,The...